We survived the Suck-Con!

DKE Toys had a truly EPIC day at Designer Con 2012. Here’s a few photos. Tons more are up on the DKE Flickr.

More posts to come!

Also, if you tried calling through on the “Suckline” and didn’t get what you wanted, drop us an email at dkeblog@gmail.com We still have some figures left.

Gary Ham with his design for the Sucklord Talking Plush and the Sucklord himself

Gary Ham with his design for the Sucklord Talking Plush and the Sucklord himself

Super Suck Up!

Losing Proposition

Losing Proposition

Gay Empire variations in A Losing Propositions 2004-20012


Super Suck Up! Artists in the house!


Toy Girls Paulkaiju photobomb!

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